Highly responsive, personalized care with 24/7 phone and email access.
Same day appointments for urgent issues.
Integrative Medicine for those who desire a more progressive, natural approach to staying healthy.
As Dr. Bunch’s valued patient, you will receive a complete annual physical with EKG as needed, plus a review of your family history and risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Dr. Bunch uses this information to design a proactive healthcare plan that is tailored to meet your individual needs and goals.
Dr. Bunch is readily available to meet all your general healthcare needs – from treatment for colds, flu and other illnesses to minor medical procedures and managing patients chronic disease. Plus, you will always have access to Dr. Bunch-selected specialists when needed.
Not unlike the country doctor of days gone by, Dr. Bunch’s office is located near several quiet Prescott neighborhoods with all the resources of a modern medical facility with an unsurpassed level of warmth, comfort and privacy. Dr. Bunch is also equipped to handle minor injuries, such as cuts and abrasions so that patients can often bypass emergency room visits.